Lecturer: Boris Ladyshensky, MD
Aesthetic treatments can only be authorised by the medical associations. They will help you with any questions you may have.
Course content
The most frequently asked questions are answered
and clearly answered in our FAQ.
You have further questions? Feel free to contact us:
Email: contact@medi-login.com
Phone: (+49)0211 8797 9980
We will process your request promptly.
Benefit from a hands-on insight into the most popular aesthetic treatments with our combination packages.
Learn Botox injections in combination with hyaluronic acid, lipolysis, varicosis and much more.
Lecturer: Dr. med. Alice Martin
Aesthetic treatments can only be authorised by the medical associations. They will help you with any questions you may have.
Course content
The most frequently asked questions are answered
and clearly answered in our FAQ.
You have further questions? Feel free to contact us:
Email: contact@medi-login.com
Phone: (+49)0211 8797 9980
We will process your request promptly.